For agricultural producers
Why to sell trough the Web home-made market?
Trough the „Web home-made market“ you can present your enterprise and products simply, with quality and free of charge, and realize the sell and payment of products in the way most suitable to your needs.Entering into the „Web home-made market“ you gain visibility and become more accessible in the „sea“ of multiple offers on the Internet.
Who can sell on the „Web home-made market“?
Possibility of registration is available to all agricultural enterprises in the area of Istria that sell their own agricultural products.
For the enterprise to be eligible for marketing it's products on the „Web home-made market“, it must meet the following requirements:
- To be registered in the Register of agricultural enterprises
- To fulfill all the legal ordinances that regulate the production and marketing of the specific product
- To be able to use a computer and Internet
Possibilities of the „Web home-made market“
With the registration on the application you gain possibilities of:
- Presenting your enterprise efficiently, with quality and free of charge: household members, production resources, products, production technology, enterprise location, etc.
- Simply and economically build recognizability- an image of your products and the whole enterprise
- Choose the most suitable way of selling and payment
- Plan an manage your time with quality