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SLO-CRO Crossborder Cooperation Project
Internet application „Web home-made market“ is a result of the realization of the project „Organization of the system of direct sale of agricultural products using internet technology“ (acronym: OSIPPPIT) financed in the frame of the Operative programme IPA Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013.
Project partners
The project is conducted by the cooperation of four partners:
• Institute for Agriculture and Tourism Poreč- lead partner,
• City of Vodnjan- partner,
• University of Maribor, Faculty for agriculture and biosystem sciences- partner,
• University of Primorska, Science and Research Center, Koper- partner.
The project leader is dr.sc. Milan Oplanić.
Project aims
There are two main project aims:
1. Promotion of possibilities and methods of direct sale, and the benefits it creates for producers and users:
• Financially more viable way of trafficking,
• Instant payment of sold products,
• Immediate insight in the production technology
• Acquiring more fresh and higher quality agricultural products.
2. Organization and starting of the system of direct sale of agricultural products Istria using Internet. This goal will be accomplished trough several activities:
• Acquiring experiences and examples of good practice of direct sale of agricultural products using the Internet in Italy and Austria.
• Building of the specialized web application for the direct sale of agricultural products,
• Organization of workshops for agricultural enterprises on possibilities and ways of utilization of the Web application,
• Through the public media informing the public- consumers of agricultural and food products on possibilities and modes of acquisition of home-made (local) products directly from producers.
Target groups
Promotion of direct sale in Istria is targeted at two basic groups:
• Agricultural enterprises as sellers of agricultural products,
• Overall public as buyers and consumers of home-made agricultural products.
Project tasks
The need for creation of such system of direct sale comes from the fact that the global market of agricultural products is saturated with cheap products of industrial production, often with not adequately known production methods, whose only goal is to maximize profit, often at the expense of the quality itself. These trends have the most impact on small and medium agricultural enterprises that don't have the option of technological modernization and specialization, and can't produce goods in large enough quantities to have in contract large traders and consumers, while at he same time lack the option of lowering production expenses to be price competitive.
Bearing in mind the significance of small and medium enterprises in management and sustainable development of rural areas, social, ecological and cultural part in their preservation, it's clear that one of the most important tasks of agrarian politics, especially in Mediterranean areas, is to find new options and sources of income for this part of the agricultural sector.